Bernhard Sattra ist Schlagzeuger, Sänger und Songtexter bei METTERNICH, sowie bei BREWTALITY
official releases with involvement in drum & vocal recording, songwriting & production
Single | 2024
Album | 2020
Album | 2022
Album | 2019
Single | 2021
Album | 2011

Who's that Guy?
Bernhard Sattra, born on December 29, 1983, in Baden near Vienna, is an Austrian drummer, songwriter, and composer. He began playing the drums at the age of five and later received private lessons. In 2006, he graduated from the Los Angeles College of Music, where he was taught by renowned drummers such as Joe Porcaro and Ralph Humphrey.
In 1999, Sattra founded the band Nasty Crew together with pauT, which was later renamed Westpol. As the drummer of Westpol, he reached several final rounds of Austrian music competitions. A significant achievement was winning the "88.6 Big City Light" contest in 2006. In 2008, Westpol released the album Die elegante Variante.
In 2007, Sattra founded the band Rock Brew together with Wolfgang Posch, Ambros Weissenhofer, and Thomas Bartosik. With Rock Brew, he released the album Serve Chilled in 2012, as well as the EP We Used to Play. From 2016 onwards, he also took on the role of drummer in the band Brewtality.
In the winter of 2016/2017, Sattra, along with Alexander Karlin, Wolfgang Posch, and David Zenz, founded the band Metternich. In Metternich, he is not only active as a drummer but also plays a key role as a lyricist in the compositions. The band released its debut album G’schichtldrucker in 2020 and the follow-up album Oidakalyptus Now in 2022. In 2023 Metternich won the Wacken Metal Battle Austria. Thanks to their victory at the Metal Battle, Metternich performed at Wacken Open Air in August 2023, one of the world’s largest metal festivals.
Between February 2017 and January 2020, he was a member of the band Cil City, where he contributed as a drummer, songwriter, and composer. The album Jump off the Cliff, released in 2019, was created during this collaboration. With Cil City, he performed at events such as the Donauinselfest, the European Bike Week, and alongside Marco Mendoza in Hamburg. Another success was winning the Radio 88.6 Band Contest on September 14, 2019.
Since 2019, Bernhard Sattra has had an endorsement with the Canadian drumstick manufacturer Los Cabos Drumsticks. He remains actively involved with Metternich, a band that blends humorous lyrics in the Viennese dialect with rock, hard rock, and pop elements. Thanks to their performance at Wacken Open Air, regular airplay on Austria's rock radio stations, and frequent live appearances at renowned events, the band Metternich has become a fixture in the Austrian music scene.

1983 | born in Baden bei Wien, Austria
1989 | first drum lessons
1991 - 1996 | piano lessons, music school Pfaffstätten
1996 - 2002 | drum lessons, music school Gumpoldskirchen
1999 - 2008 | drums & backing vocals, with WESTPOL
2005 - 2006 | drum major program at Los Angeles College of Music
2006 | winner of Radio 88.6 bandcontest with WESTPOL
2008 | recording & release of the album Die elegante Variante with WESTPOL
2007 - 2017 | drums & backing vocals with ROCKBREW
2011 | winner of “Rock the Island” bandcontest with ROCKBREW
recording & release of the album Serve Chilled with ROCKBREW
since 2016 | drums & backing vocals with BREWTALITY
since 2017 | drums & backing vocals with METTERNICH
2017 - 2020 | drums & backing vocals with CIL CITY
recording & release of the album Jump of the Cliff with CIL CITY
2019 | Germany Tour with CIL CITY & BREWTALITY, Album Recording with METTERNICH
winner of Radio 88.6 bandcontest with CIL CITY
2020 | release of the album G'schichtldrucker with METTERNICH
2022 | release of the album Oidakalyptus Now with METTERNICH
There's more...
Do you want to discover more and browse around? There you go!
volume.at | 2024
Report about METTERNICH at WACKEN OPEN AIR | 2023
Video report METTERNICH Unplugged | 2024